Applied Dynamics Seminar

Thursday, January 26, 2023
12:30 p.m.
ERF 1207. IREAP Large Conference Room
Meredith Pettit
301 405 4951

Topic: Wave-matter interaction at the Exceptional Point 

Speaker: Tsampikos Kottos, PhD. (Wave Transport in Complex Systems Lab, Department of Physics, Wesleyan University)

Abstract:  The manipulation and management of wave propagation using artificial structures with tailored landscapes (impedance profiles) was always an exciting subject – often challenging the creativity of the researchers and exciting the imagination of the public. Throughout the years, many successful stories, that follow this line of research, have been reported: photonic crystals, negative index materials, and stealth technologies are some testaments of our increasing capabilities to manipulate the impedance profile of the underlying material. Currently, however, an alternate viewpoint is emerging: Its focus is to tailor the loss within the propagating medium, thus elevating the attenuation – a mechanism which until recently was considered an “anathema”- to a useful design element whose manipulation can lead to the realization of devices with non-conventional properties and novel functionalities. In this talk, we will highlight some of these results, paying particular attention to some specific applications like hypersensitive sensors for avionic instrumentation, nano-indenters for micro-robotics, and reflecting optical limiting where our group has substantial contributions over the years.  


The organizers of the Applied Dynamics seminar gratefully acknowledge support from the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology.


Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty 

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