Advanced Networks Colloquium: John Stankovic, "*-Aware Software for Cyber-Physical Systems"

Friday, February 3, 2012
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards
301 405 6576

Advanced Networks Colloquium
*-Aware Software for Cyber-Physical Systems

John A Stankovic
BP America Professor
University of Virginia

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Many exciting and next generation Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) will be based on wireless sensor networks as an underlying infrastructure. Many CPSs such as home health care, HVAC control, vehicular networks, the grid, and home security will operate in open environments and co-exist. The interactions in and across these systems will further enable new and important applications. While deploying CPSs in open and uncontrolled environments provides many benefits, it also gives rise to greater complexity, uncertainty, non-determinism, and privacy and security issues than found in today’s embedded systems. New approaches to developing software for these systems are required. This talk includes ideas and (partial) solutions for creating physically-aware, validation-aware, real-time-aware, and privacy-aware software as key solutions for such new methodologies. The fundamental principal underlying these solutions is the need to develop a scientific and systematic approach for dealing with the impact of the physical on the cyber.

Professor John A. Stankovic is the BP America Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. He served as Chair of the department for 8 years. He is a Fellow of both the IEEE and the ACM. He won the IEEE Real-Time Systems Technical Committee's Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions and Leadership. He also won the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing's Distinguished Achievement Award (inaugural winner). He has won four Best Paper awards, including one for ACM SenSys 2006. His h-index citation factor is 86. Professor Stankovic also served on the Board of Directors of the Computer Research Association for 9 years. Before joining the University of Virginia, Professor Stankovic taught at the University of Massachusetts where he won an outstanding scholar award. He has also held visiting positions in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie-Mellon University, at INRIA in France, and Scuola Superiore S. Anna in Pisa, Italy. He was the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Distributed and Parallel Systems and was founder and co-editor-in-chief for the Real-Time Systems Journal. His research interests are in real-time systems, distributed computing, wireless sensor networks, and cyber physical systems. Prof. Stankovic received his PhD from Brown University.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni  Donors 

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