Advanced Networks Colloquium: Archan Misra, "LiveLabs Testbed & Mobile Sensing-Based Applications"

Friday, February 17, 2012
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards
301 405 6579

Advanced Networks Colloquium
The LiveLabs Testbed and Mobile Sensing-Based Applications

Archan Misra
School of Information Systems
Singapore Management University

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This talk explores the ongoing transformation of the mobile device into a combined “sensing and analytics” platform, distinguished by two key features: a) efficient localized processing of sensor data streams and b) localized coordination and distributed computation among a set of proximal mobile nodes. I will first introduce the LiveLabs Experimentation Platform, a unique “urban behavioral testbed” that combines innovations in wireless networks, mobile sensing and App deployment to enable an ecosystem of industry partners to test next-generation context-based applications on approx. 30,000 real-life users in urban environments, such as the SMU campus, 2 major shopping malls and a resort theme park. I will then describe ongoing research on offline and near-real time energy-efficient, continuous smartphone-based human context estimation or “activity mining”, with a special focus on how such analytics can utilize proximity-driven social interactions. I will then briefly cover two ongoing projects that exploit such context-sensing to: a) optimize the delivery of mobile advertising and b) perform real-time adaptation of femtocellular indoor networks.

Archan Misra is currently an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU), a Deputy Director of the joint CMU-SMU Living Analytics Research Center (LARC) and a Director of the LiveLabs Urban Lifestyle Innovation Platform. His current research interests are in pervasive computing & mobile systems, with specific focus on energy-efficient stream analytics, advanced indoor localization, adaptive hybrid-access networks and cloud+P2P middleware for context-based mobile applications. Over the past 11 years (as part of his previous employment with IBM Research and Telcordia Technologies), he has worked extensively in the areas of wireless networks, pervasive computing and sensor stream data management and is a co-author on papers that received the Best Paper awards in EUC 2008, ACM WOWMOM 2002 and IEEE MILCOM 2001. He is presently an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and the Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing and chaired the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) from 2005-2007. Archan received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park in May, 2000, and his B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IIT Kharagpur, India in July 1993.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni  Corporate 

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