Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar: Kimberly Turner, "Nonlinearity for Micro/Nanosensor Performance"

Thursday, April 11, 2013
4:00 p.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Ian White

Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar Series

Using Nonlinearity to Enhance Micro/NanoSensor Performance

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Kimberly Turner
Professor and Chair
Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara

Resonant microelectromechanical systems are key building blocks for many microsensor applications, including mass detection, inertial detection and RF filters and timing oscillators. Especially in systems with low damping, amplitudes are such that nonlinearities are present. In many applications, these nonlinearities can be significant, and need to be accounted for. In this talk, I will give an overview of a few applications where understanding and cleverly utilizing nonlinearity actually results in improved sensor performance. Examples including mass sensors and oscillators will be utilized in this demonstration of the benefit in marrying nonlinear equations and micro/nanoscale devices.

Kimberly L. Turner is Professor and Chair of the Mechanical engineering department at UC Santa Barbara. Dr. Turner received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological University in 1994 and her Ph.D. in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics from Cornell University in 1999. She joined UC Santa Barbara in July of 99, becoming a Full Professor in 2008. She has been Department Chair since 2008. Prior to her appointment as Chair, she was vice Chair for the Undergraduate Program from 2006-2008. Kimberly’s research focuses on the understanding and utilization of nonlinear dynamics in micro and nanosystems. She has published over 90 refereed publications, and has won numerous awards including NSF CAREER Award, UCSB Distinguished Teaching Award and a Michigan Tech Outstanding Young Alumni Award. She is a previous Chair of the MEMS Division of ASME, and recently was technical program chair for the 2008 Americas Workshop for Solid-State Sensors & Actuators (Hilton Head), and in 2010 General Chair of that same meeting.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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