MBSE Colloquium: Conrad Bock, "Extending SysML for Integration with Solver-based Simulation Tools"
Monday, May 13, 2013
10:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards
Model-Based Systems Engineering Colloquium
Extending SysML for Integration with Solver-based Simulation Tools
Conrad Bock
National Institute of Standards and Technology
John Baras
The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is the most widely-used modeling language for systems engineering, but is insufficiently integrated with discipline-specific engineering languages, in particular solver-based simulation tools such as Open Modelica and Simulink for mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and other disciplines. SysML modeling tools and solver-based simulation tools are often used separately and sequentially, significantly slowing the engineering processes. One way to address the problem is to extend SysML with modeling constructs specific to solver-based simulation tools, enabling multiple simulation tools to be driven from the same model. This presentation gives an overview of simulation tools and their underlying concepts, shows the proposed extension in SysML notation and profile elements, then applies the extensions to an electrical circuit example and shows simulator code that can be generated from the example.
Conrad Bock is a Computer Scientist at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology's Engineering Laboratory, specializing in formal product and process modeling. He is the laboratory's project leader for Systems Engineering Modeling for Smart Manufacturing, and co-chair of the Systems Modeling Language Revision Task Force at the Object Management Group. He was the founding editor for the Activity and Action models in the Unified Modeling Language and Systems Modeling Language at the Object Management Group, as well as a primary contributor to interaction modeling in the Business Process Model and Notation.