MBSE Colloquium: Christopher Oster, "Systems Understanding through MBSE-Centric Analytics"

Monday, October 14, 2013
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards

Model-Based Systems Engineering Colloquium
Achieving Systems Understanding through MBSE-Centric Analytics

Christopher Oster
Space Systems Architect
Lockheed Martin

John Baras

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Roundtable at 4 pm

As systems cost and complexity rise, model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approaches provide a potential mechanism for managing the growth of complexity and driving affordability into systems design. Through highly integrated systems engineering environments, an unprecedented level of systems understanding through analytics can be achieved, influencing key architectural decisions earlier in the system lifecycle. Increasingly large software baselines, more convoluted public policies and a notable shift toward human centric design have each driven uncertainty into modern systems which require new methods and tools to develop in a cost effective manner. In this talk, Mr. Oster will discuss current systems trends, recent improvements in the systems engineering practice through the application of MBSE, overall industry adoption and pressing research needs from academia.

Christopher Oster is an industry recognized leader in model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and multi-discipline model and tool integration. Currently, Mr. Oster is leading the effort to transition to a Model-based Enterprise at Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems. In his prior role, Mr. Oster was the Lockheed Martin Model-based Systems Development Rollout Manager where he was responsible for ensuring the successful transition of Lockheed Martin programs to a model-based engineering methodology.

Mr. Oster’s experience has focused on developing large scale, software intensive systems including data processing suites, satellite command and control systems and space platforms. At Lockheed Martin since 2004, Mr. Oster has held roles in software development, systems engineering, architecture, business development and R&D, and is a graduate of Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technical Leadership Development program. Mr. Oster is also an active member of the systems engineering and model-based communities, as a frequent contributor to the INCOSE MBSE initiative, a member of the INCOSE Systems 2025 Vision project and frequently lectures at universities, industry conferences and government offices about model-based systems engineering. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, Mr. Oster earned his M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania and is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Systems Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology as the first Lockheed Martin/SERC Research Fellow.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni  Corporate 

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