MBSE Colloquium: Tolga Kurtoglu, "Intelligent Digital Manufacturing"

Monday, December 2, 2013
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards

Model-Based Systems Engineering Colloquium
Intelligent Digital Manufacturing: Closing the gap between design and manufacturing

Tolga Kurtoglu
Xerox PARC

John Baras

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Digital technologies are making a dramatic impact on manufacturing, enabling a greater variety of products at lower volumes and lower costs. Examples include additive manufacturing, reconfigurable production lines, integrated design and manufacturing, and collaborative design. Not only will these technologies usher in a new wave of mass customization and personalization, but we will also see significant shifts in how products are developed, made, and delivered to retailers and consumers. A whole new ecosystem is arising, which includes new forms of capital allocation, digital tools for CAD, engineering, and manufacturing, and flexible and distributed supply chains. This shift is rippling through the industry and will likely threaten today’s vertically integrated, large-scale manufacturing industry. Motivated by this opportunity, our research at PARC explores ways to develop a new suite of model-based engineering and manufacturing technologies that would serve the needs of this emerging ecosystem. In this talk, I will present highlights of our recent research efforts – particularly those that enable quick and smooth transition from design-to-manufacturing, and facilitate the construction of dynamic and on-demand supply chains suited with higher degrees of automation capabilities. Finally, based on my past and current work, I will discuss future research challenges and highlight their practical implications for accelerated industrial adoption.

Tolga Kurtoglu is the Director of PARC¹s Design and Digital Manufacturing Program where he leads business development, strategy, execution, and technology commercialization for a portfolio software technologies serving computer aided-design (CAD), product lifecycle management (PLM), and digital manufacturing markets. Dr. Kurtoglu specializes in R&D management combined with extensive project/program management for both Government and private sectors. Recently, he has been the project lead and PI for three DARPA projects: META, iFAB, and C2M2L. His research focuses on design and development of complex systems, applied intelligence for engineering systems, design theory and methodology with a specialization in design creation and innovation, and design automation and optimization. His research spans the areas of model-based systems engineering, automated reasoning, prognostics and health management, and risk and reliability-based design. Dr. Kurtoglu has published over 60 articles and papers in various journals and conferences and is an active member of ASME, AIAA, AAAI, ASEE, Design Society, and the Prognostics and Health Management Society. Prior to his work with PARC, he worked as a researcher at NASA Ames Research Center and as a mechanical design engineer and group lead at Dell Corporation.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni  Corporate 

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