Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar: Aydogan Ozcan, "The Lensless Microscope"

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
4:00 p.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Ian White

Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar Series

The Lensless Microscope: Computational Microscopy, Sensing and Diagnostics for Telemedicine and Global Health Applications

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Aydogan Ozcan
Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering, California NanoSystems Institute
University of California, Los Angeles

Today there are more than 6.5 billion cell-phone users in the world, and the majority of these cellphones are being used in the developing parts of the world. This massive volume of wireless phone communication brings an enormous cost-reduction to cellphones despite their sophisticated hardware and software capabilities. Utilizing this advanced state of the art of the cell phone technology towards point-of-care diagnostics and/or microscopic imaging applications can offer numerous opportunities to improve health care especially in the developing world where medical facilities and infrastructure are extremely limited or even do not exist.

Centered on this vision, in this talk I will introduce new imaging and detection architectures that can compensate in the digital domain for the lack of complexity of optical components by use of novel theories and numerical algorithms to address the immediate needs and requirements of Telemedicine for Global Health Problems. Specifically, I will present an on-chip cytometry and microscopy platform that utilizes cost-effective and compact components to enable digital recognition and 3D microscopic imaging of cells with sub-cellular resolution over a large field of view without the need for any lenses, bulky optical components or coherent sources such as lasers. This incoherent holographic imaging and diagnostic modality has orders of magnitude improved light collection efficiency and is robust to misalignments which eliminates potential imaging artifacts or the need for realignment, making it highly suitable for field use. Applications of this lensfree on-chip microscopy platform to high-throughput imaging and automated counting of whole blood cells, monitoring of HIV+ patients (through CD4 and CD8 T cell counting) and detection of waterborne parasites towards rapid screening of water quality will also be demonstrated. Further, I will discuss lensfree implementations of various other computational imaging modalities on the same platform such as pixel super-resolution imaging, lensfree on-chip tomography, holographic opto-fluidic microscopy/tomography. Finally, I will demonstrate lensfree on-chip imaging of fluorescently labeled cells over an ultra wide field of view of >8 cm2, which could be especially important for rare cell analysis (e.g., detection of circulating tumor cells), as well as for high-throughput screening of DNA/protein micro-arrays.

Dr. Aydogan Ozcan received his Ph.D. degree at Stanford University Electrical Engineering Department. After a short post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University, he is appointed as a research faculty at Harvard Medical School, Wellman Center for Photomedicine in 2006. Dr. Ozcan joined UCLA in the summer of 2007 as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate and Full Professor ranks in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is currently the Chancellor’s Professor at UCLA leading the Bio- and Nano-Photonics Laboratory at the Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering Departments, and is also the Associate Director of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA.

Dr. Ozcan holds 22 issued patents (all of which are licensed) and more than 15 pending patent applications for his inventions in nanoscopy, wide-field imaging, lensless imaging, nonlinear optics, fiber optics, and optical coherence tomography. Dr. Ozcan gave more than 150 invited talks and is also the author of one book, the co-author of more than 300 peer reviewed research articles in major scientific journals and conferences. In addition, Dr. Ozcan is the founder and a member of the Board of Directors of Holomic LLC.

Prof. Ozcan received several major awards including the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), which is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Dr. Ozcan also received the 2013 SPIE BioPhotonics Technology Innovator Award, the 2011 Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Award, 2011 SPIE Early Career Achievement Award, the 2010 NSF CAREER Award, the 2009 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, the 2009 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, the 2009 IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator Award and the MIT’s Technology Review TR35 Award for his seminal contributions to near-field and on-chip imaging, and telemedicine based diagnostics.

Prof. Ozcan is also the recipient of the 2013 Microscopy Today Innovation Award, 2012 Popular Science Brilliant 10 Award, 2012 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Award, 2011 Innovators Challenge Award presented by the Rockefeller Foundation and mHealth Alliance, the 2010 National Geographic Emerging Explorer Award, the 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Award, the 2010 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award, the 2010 Netexplorateur Award given by the Netexplorateur Observatory & Forum in France, the 2011 Regional Health Care Innovation Challenge Award given by The von Liebig Center at UCSD, the 2010 PopTech Science and Public Leaders Fellowship, the 2009 Wireless Innovation Award organized by the Vodafone Americas Foundation as well as the 2008 Okawa Foundation Award, given by the Okawa Foundation in Japan.

Prof. Ozcan was selected as one of the top 10 innovators by the U.S. Department of State, USAID, NASA, and NIKE as part of the LAUNCH: Health Forum organized in 2010. He also received the 2012 World Technology Award on Health and Medicine, which is presented by the World Technology Network in association with TIME, CNN, AAAS, Science, Technology Review, Fortune, Kurzweil and Accelerosity.

Dr. Ozcan is elected Fellow of SPIE, and is a Senior Member of IEEE and OSA, a Member of AAAS and BMES.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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