Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar: Felice Frankel, "Make Me Look! To SEE and Understand Your Research"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
4:00 p.m.
1115 Computer Science Instructional Center
Ian White

Qualcomm Microsystems Seminar Series
Co-sponsored by:

Campus Visualization Partnership Lecture Series

Department of Computer Science
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)

Maryland NanoCenter
Department of Materials and Nuclear Engineering

Make Me Look! To SEE and Understand Your Research

Felice FrankelFelice Frankel
Research Scientist, Center for
   Materials Science and
   Engineering, Massachusetts
   Institute of Technology
Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of
   Arts and Sciences,
   Harvard University

Reception in the CSIC lobby: 3:30 p.m.
Seminar: 1115 CSIC, 4:00 p.m.

Graphics, images and figures — visual representations of scientific data and concepts — are critical components of science and engineering research. They communicate in ways that words cannot. They can clarify or strengthen an argument and spur interest into the research process.

But it is important to remember that a visual representation of a scientific concept or data is a re-presentation and not the thing itself –– some interpretation or translation is always involved. Just as writing a journal article, you must carefully plan what to “say,” and in what order you will “say it.” The process of making a visual representation requires you to clarify your thinking and improve your ability to communicate with others. Communication, however, is a two-way enterprise. The viewer must first choose to look. This talk will include examples of my own attempts at creating various representations, some more successful than others. I will discuss the iterative process of getting from "here" to "there," in order to create representations that are more than good enough.

Science photographer Felice Frankel is a research scientist in the Center for Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Working in collaboration with scientists and engineers, Felice’s images have been published in over 200 journal articles and/or covers and various other publications for general audiences such as National GeographicNatureScienceAngewandte ChemieAdvanced MaterialsMaterials TodayPNASNewsweekScientific AmericanDiscover Magazine, and New Scientist among others.

She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has received awards and grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, among others. Felice was a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award at Brooklyn College, CUNY and the Lennart Nilsson Award for Scientific Photography.

Felice was founder of the Image and Meaning workshops and conferences whose purpose was to develop new approaches to promote the public understanding of science through visual expression. She was principal investigator of the National Science Foundation-funded program, Picturing to Learn, an effort to study how making representations by students, aids in teaching and learning, (Picturing to Learn).

She and her work have been profiled in the New York Times, Wired, LIFE Magazine, the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, the Chronicle of Higher Education, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, Science Friday, the Christian Science Monitor and various European publications. She exhibits throughout the United States and in Europe. Her limited edition photographs are included in a number of corporate and private collections.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni  Corporate 

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