CCSP Seminar: Ajaykrishnan Nageswaran, "Data Privacy for a $\rho$-Recoverable Function"

Thursday, February 8, 2018
5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
2168 AV Williams
Ajaykrishnan Nageswaran
301 405 3661

Communication, Control and Signal Processing Seminar

Data Privacy for a $\rho$-Recoverable Function

Ajaykrishnan Nageswaran

A user's data is represented by a finite-valued random variable. A querier seeks to compute a given function of the data based on a query response provided by the user. Under the requirement that the querier must recover the function value from the query response with at least a prescribed probability, we analyze single and multiple independent query responses that provide maximum data privacy to the user by inflicting a maximum probability of data-estimation error on the querier. Explicit achievability schemes for randomization in query responses are given and their privacy compared with converse upper bounds.

This is joint work with Prof. Prakash Narayan.

Audience: Graduate  Faculty  Post-Docs 

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