UMD INCOSE Student Chapter Seminar: Philomena Zimmerman, "DoD Digital Engineering Strategy"

Monday, October 15, 2018
5:00 p.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
John MacCarthy
301 405 4419

Ms. Philomena Zimmerman will provide an overview of the Department of Defense's (DoD's) Digital Engineering Strategy on Monday, 10/15/18 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (with an additional hour for discussion) in A.V. Williams (AVW) Room 1146.
Ms. Zimmerman is the Deputy Director for Engineering Tools and Environments in the DoD's Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and is responsible for promoting and implementing this strategy/initiative (which was just released this summer).
Model-Based Systems Engineering is one component of this broader strategy.
This is an important initiative that is likely to influence thinking far beyond the defense community.
Briefly, the strategy promotes the use of digital representations of systems and components and the use of digital artifacts to design and sustain national defense systems. The Department’s five strategic goals for digital engineering are
  • Formalize the development, integration, and use of models to inform enterprise and program decision making
  • Provide an enduring, authoritative source of truth
  • Incorporate technological innovation to improve the engineering practice
  • Establish a supporting infrastructure and environment to perform activities, collaborate, and communicate across stakeholders
  • Transform the culture and workforce to adopt and support digital engineering across the life cycle
You may learn more by going to:
This event is being sponsored by the UMD Student Division of INCOSE.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs 

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