News Story
Bill Regli featured at Global Industrial Cooperation Conference

ISR Director Bill Regli (CS/ISR) spoke on “AI and Human-Machine Symbiosis” at the Global Industrial Cooperation Conference, April 15–18 in Paris. The conference focused on international security and science, technology and trade issues, and was attended by professionals in these areas from governments and industries around the world.
The conference was sponsored by the Global Offset and Countertrade Association (GOCA), which provides presentations and education on offset and countertrade at conferences around the world. GOCA members include government defense agencies, industrial partners, investment and trade officials, academics, and subject matter experts. Sponsors of the Paris conference included Constructive Edge, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon, StrateSphere and Thales.
Published April 9, 2018