News Story
Former Postdoc Su Wins ICC 2010 Best Paper Award

Dr. Weifeng Su
Dr. Weifeng Su, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo and a former ECE postdoctoral researcher in Prof. K. J. Ray Liu's research group, recently won the best paper award from the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), the premier conference in communications.
The title of the paper was "The Outage Probability and Optimum Power Assignment for Differential Amplify-and-Forward Relaying." It was co-authored by SUNY-Buffalo researchers Fuyu Chen and Dimitris A. Pados, and John D. Matyjas of the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Weifeng Su served as a postdoc at the University of Maryland from 2002-2005 before joining SUNY-Buffalo as a faculty member. Dr. Su and Dr. Liu co-authored a book together, titled "Cooperative Communications and Networking."
Published March 26, 2010