MURI: Understanding and Controlling the Coupled Electrical, Chemical & Mechanical Excitable Networks of Living Systems
MURI: Understanding and Controlling the Coupled Electrical, Chemical & Mechanical Excitable Networks of Living Systems
This five-year project, led by the University of Maryland, falls under MURI Topic 9: Exploiting Biological Electromechanics: Using Electromagnetics Energy to Control Biological Systems. Other universities participating in this MURI include Arizona State University, Johns Hopkins and UC-Davis.
This five-year project falls under MURI Topic 1: Emulating the Principles of Impulsive Biological Force. In addition to the University of Maryland, other universities include Duke (lead institution), Stanford, Harvard, UMass Amherst and UC Irvine.
NIH NIDCD: Auditory Scene Analysis and Temporal Cortical Computations
NIH NIDCD: Auditory Scene Analysis and Temporal Cortical Computations
Simon will use magnetoencephalography (MEG) to record from the auditory cortexes of the brains of human subjects, specifically the temporally dynamic neural responses to individual sound elements and their mixtures. Linking the neural responses with their auditory stimuli and attentional state will allow inferences of neural representations of these sounds. These neural representations are temporal: neural processing unfolds in time in response to ongoing acoustic dynamics. Simon will determine how the auditory cortex neurally represents speech in difficult listening situations.