
This is a three-year, $2.5M award.

Society is constantly on the look-out for safer, more efficient, and more cost effective rechargeable batteries. All-solid-state batteries (SSBs) are made with nonflammable, solid electrolytes – such as ceramics or polymers – which eliminate the risk of fire in mobile devices and electric automobiles, while offering high energy and power density and strong cycling ability.



This $3M, five-year NSF grant will will help University of Maryland researchers explore the “rules of life” of neuronal networks.

Learning the Rules of Neuronal Learning is a five-year grant in NSF’s Emerging Frontiers “Understanding the Rules of Learning” program. The project will begin Jan. 1, 2022.



At present, most commercial UAV and UAM flights require the ability to fly beyond a visual line of sight (BVLOS), however, there is no way to fly BVLOS in the US without a waiver. Over the next few years, entities that can make a safety case to the Federal Aviation Administration will unlock business opportunities. Understanding this opportunity, in order to be a vanguard in this emerging technology, Kontrol Inc. and the University of Maryland, together with known industry partners, will develop a certifiable safety critical flight control system for UAVs that enables BVLOS flights.




A new five-year, $2.88M grant from the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders at the National Institutes of Health will bring researchers another step closer to fully understanding the system within the brain that turns heard sounds into intelligible language. The ultimate goal is being able to develop better hearing assistive devices.



The goal of Optimal Desensitization Protocol in Support of a Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) System is to enhance the transplant system by combining a personalized antibody removal regimen known as “desensitization” into a kidney paired donation (KPD) system, improving both access and decision-making.



A University of Maryland expert in digital forensics and signal processing has received National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to use artificial intelligence to develop a heart monitoring method that’s as reliable as an electrocardiogram (ECG)—the gold standard used in hospitals and clinics——but as convenient as a device that can be worn at home.



Elkridge-based Kontrol Inc. and Assistant Professor Huan Xu (AE/ISR) are developing a certifiable safety critical flight control system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that enables flights beyond visual line of sight. This project is also known as "Safe Flight Control for UAV Autonomy." A one-year, $90K project.



Professor Alireza Khaligh (ECE/ISR) is working with College Park-based AmpX Technologies Inc. and the Maryland Energy Innovation Institute to design, manufacture and demonstrate  a 6.6kW Silicon-Carbide (SiC) onboard electric vehicle charger (OBC) with ultra-high power density and enhanced efficiency. Funding of $74K.



This is a one-year, $100K grant.

