Model-Based Systems Engineering Colloquium: Peter Fritzson, "Modelica—Cyber-Physical Modeling"

Monday, September 26, 2011
5:00 p.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kimberly Edwards
301 405 6579

Model-Based Systems Engineering Colloquium
Modelica – A Cyber-Physical Modeling Language for Systems Engineering and the OpenModelica Environment

Peter Fritzson
Linköping University

John Baras

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Modelica is a modern, strongly typed, declarative, equation-based, and object-oriented (EOO) language for modeling and simulation of complex cyber-physical systems. Major features are: ease of use, visual design of models with combination of lego-like predefined model building blocks, ability to define model libraries with reusable components, support for modeling and simulation of complex applications involving parts from several application domains, and many more useful facilities. This talk gives an overview of some aspects of the Modelica language, and the OpenModelica environment including the ModelicaML UML/Modelica profile for systems engineering – the most complete Modelica open-source tool for modeling, engineering, simulation, and development of system applications (

Special features are MetaModeling for efficient model transformations, the ModelicaML profile for UML- Modelica cyber-physical hardware-software modeling, the SysMLModelica OMG standard proposal, the Functional Mockup Interface for general tool integration, model-based optimization, as well as generation of parallel code for multi-core architectures.

Peter Fritzson is Professor and research director of the Programming Environment Laboratory, at Linköping University. He is also director of the Open Source Modelica Consortium, director of the MODPROD center for model-based product development, and vice chairman of the Modelica Association, organizations he helped to establish. During 1999-2007 he served as chairman of the Scandinavian Simulation Society, and secretary of the European simulation organization, EuroSim.

Prof. Fritzson's current research interests are in software technology, especially programming languages, tools and environments; parallel and multi-core computing; compilers and compiler generators, high level specification and modeling languages with special emphasis on tools for object-oriented modeling and simulation where he is one of the main contributors and founders of the Modelica language. Professor Fritzson has authored or co-authored more than 210 technical publications, including 16 books/proceedings.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Staff  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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