News Story
Congratulations, May 2021 ISR graduates!
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Congratulations to these May 2021 graduates with ties to the Institute for Systems Research!
Abhishek Chakraborty, ECE, advised by Ankur Srivastava
Sheng Wesley Cheng, ECE, advised by Derek Paley
Donald Haryford Costello, ME, advised by Huan Xu
Jacob David Billage Isbell, ECE, advised by Timothy Horiuchi
Zijie Lin, ECE, advised by Huan Xu and Gang Qu
Estefany Carrillo, AE, advised by Huan Xu (requirements completed; graduation August 2021)
Oghenetekevwe Akoroda, advised by Jeffrey Herrmann
Yash Bansod, advised by Dana Nau
Hao Da (Kevin) Dong, advised by Derek Paley
Krithika Govindaraj, advised by Yiannis Aloimonos
Samuel Langlois, advised by Jeffrey Herrmann
Shivam Mishra, advised by Derek Paley
Destiny Oparaocha, advised by Paul Albertus
Sarjana Oradiambalam Sachidanadam, advised by Elonora Tubaldi
Praveen Kumar Menaka Sekar, advised by John Baras
Caitlyn Singam, advised by Tony Ephremides
Anshuman Rajput Singh, advised by Huan Xu
Midhun Varghese, advised by Elonora Tubaldi
Casey T. Beyers, ECE, advised by Alireza Khaligh
Chayban Ghabech, ECE, advised by Alireza Khaligh
Danae Mitkas, CEE, advised by David Lovell
Theodore Dutcher, Computer Science and Biology, part of Jonathan Simon’s research group
Published June 2, 2021