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ISR, ECE, CS, UMIACS faculty present 12 talks at Northrop Grumman University Research Symposium

The Institute for Systems Research, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies were well represented at Northrop Grumman’s University Research Symposium, Oct. 23–24 in Anaheim, Calif. The event hosted more than 50 technical presentations from 11 Northrop Grumman research focus areas in mission systems and aerospace systems, as well as research in application for learning machines and cybersecurity.
The symposium was organized by Keyla Contreras-Cottin, the University Relations Project Manager at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems.
Categories and University of Maryland presenters included
(ISR participants in bold)
Cognitive Processing and Machine Learning
Understanding and Creating Robust Models of Actions from Observation, by ISR-affiliated Professor Yiannis Aloimonos (CS/UMIACS). NG technical lead: Dave Smallwood.
Adversarial Machine Learning for Cognitive Sensors, by Professor P. S. Krishnaprasad (ECE/ISR). NG technical lead: Isidoros Doxas.
Neuromorphic Signal Processing: From Analytics for Deep Learning to Cortex-on-a-Chip, by Professor John Baras (ECE/ISR). NG technical lead: Alex Duba.
Optimized Coordinated Distributed Computing, by Professor Mohammad Hajiaghayi (CS/UMIACS). NG technical lead: William Koehl.
Science of Test
(Half the presentations in this category were from the University of Maryland)
Non-destructive test for Trojans via IR Imaging, by ISR Director Ankur Srivastava (ECE/ISR). NG technical lead: Mike Fitelson.
Co-design of structure and intelligence for embedded system optimization, by Professor Shuvra Bhattacharyya ECE/UMIACS) and ISR-affiliated Associate Research Scientist Cornelia Fermüller (UMIACS). NG technical lead: Sean Cosentino.
Learning to Collaborate, by Professor Jeffrey Herrmann (ME/ISR). NG technical lead: Mahasa Zahirnia.
Pattern recognition based on photonic systems for aerospace engineering applications (PREPA), by Associate Professor Yanne Chembo (ECE/IREAP). NG technical lead: Isidoros Doxas.
Cyber resilience and software safety
Discovering and mitigating hardware-based cyber vulnerabilities (e.g. Spectre), by Assistant Professor Dana Dachman-Soled (ECE) and ISR Director Ankur Srivastava (ECE/ISR). NG technical lead: Farrokh Abrishamkar.
Securing deep learning against adversaries, by Associate Professor Tom Goldstein (CS/UMIACS). NG technical lead: Jeffrey Avery.
Quantum sensing and processing and systems resilience
Emerging IoT technologies for distributed and collaborative sensing, by Professor Nuno Martins (ECE/ISR) and Assistant Professor Yasser Shoukry (ECE). NG technical lead, Alex Marakov.
Research in Applications for Learning Machines (REALM) Consortium
Multiple Sensors Track Classification, Identification and Correlation, by Rama Chellappa, Vishal Patel, JHU; Aswin Sankaranarayanan, CMU; René Vidal, JHU. NG tech leaders were Nick Lemmer, Dan Benzing, Claudio Marino and Brad Pitzer. In this category’s student research poster competition, Rama Chellappa’s student, Pirazh Khorramshahi, presented on Vehicle Re-Identification (AI City Challenge 2019).
Published November 5, 2019