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S. Raghu Raghavan is a runner-up for INFORMS Computing Society Prize

Professor S. Raghu Raghavan (BMGT/ISR) has received runner-up honors for the 2022 INFORMS Computing Society Prize at the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 16-19 in Indianapolis. INFORMS is the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, the leading international association for operations research & analytics professionals. The Computing Society prize honors the best English language paper or group of related papers dealing with the operations research/computer science interface.
Raghavan is the Dean’s Professor of Management Science and Operations Management in the Robert H. Smith School of Business. His research interests and activities include auction design, data mining, economics, information systems, computational marketing, networks, optimization, and telecommunications. Underlying Raghavan's research is the network and combinatorial optimization techniques he applies to problems. He has published on a wide variety of topics, including telecommunications, electronic markets, and data mining, in journals such as Management Science/Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, and the INFORMS Journal on Computing.
He is currently the principal investigator of a five-year National Science Foundation collaborative research award, Discovery, Analysis, and Disruption of Illicit Narcotic Supply Networks.
Raghavan is analyzing the dynamics of transnational narcotic supply networks and how interdiction strategies disrupt them. His team’s approach encompasses operations research, computer science, criminology, public policy, geography, and economics. The research results are being integrated into a network optimization model to explain the structure of illicit drug supply chains and provide evidence to support successful disruption strategies.
Published November 14, 2022