News Story
Takeo Yokoyama travels the world with Honda motorcycle racing group

Main photo: Honda Racing won the 2010 MotoGP in the Italian Grand Prix. On the podium, the Honda racer is at center right, with the first-place trophy at his feet. Tax Yokoyama is at far left. Inset: Tax holds the trophy aloft.
"More than seven years have passed since I was there in Maryland and during these seven years I've been in the motorcycle racing industry, in which I've been required to communicate in English with professional riders, mechanics, engineers, guests and many other people. I don't believe I could have achieved the same level without learning English and Western culture in Maryland.
"In world class racing, it's so important to understand the variety of cultures, working styles and thought because you're working with the best skilled people from all over the world. The biggest contribution of the Visiting Scientist Program is to invest and educate engineers into those capable of doing so.
"Here are some pictures of how I've been working in the racing. These are from the podium of MotoGP in the Italian Grand Prix. This year I will once again travel all over the world for MotoGP races and two of them will be in the US: Laguna Seca, Calif. in July, and Indianapolis in August."
About ISR's Visiting Scientist Program
Visiting Scientists and their companies directly benefit from education, training, and research opportunities available at ISR. They are integrated into ISR research teams, enabling development of their knowledge and skills, which brings them to the forefront of technology and research. The program provides a natural vehicle for:
-- Shoulder-to-shoulder collaboration with ISR faculty and students
-- Education in systems engineering, allied sciences, and business practices
-- Knowledge transfer between systems methodologies and application domains
-- Training in the state-of-the-art tools including those based on ISR research
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Published January 7, 2011