News Story
Alum Nima Ghalichechian joins Georgia Tech faculty

Alum Nima Ghalichechian (ECE PhD 2007) has joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an assistant professor. He is the principal investigator of the mmWave Antennas and Arrays Laboratory.
The research in his group is interdisciplinary and centers around applied electromagnetics, specifically, mmWave (30-300 GHz) antennas and arrays. These include phased arrays, reflectarrays, on-chip antennas, ultra-wideband antennas, reconfigurable antennas, phase-change materials, 3D-printed lenses and arrays, and robotic measurements of antennas.
Ghalichechian worked as a research scientist, a research assistant professor and an assistant professor at Ohio State University from 2012 to 2021. During this period, he established the RF Microsystems Laboratory with research in the area of millimeter-wave antennas and arrays. Prior to his time in academia, he worked in industry as a senior principal engineer at Formfactor Inc., in Livermore, Calif.
He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL). He is a recipient of the 2018 College of Engineering Lumley Research Award at OSU, a 2019 NSF CAREER Award, a 2019 US Air Force Faculty Summer Fellowship Award, and a 2020 ECE Excellence in Teaching Award at OSU.
At Maryland, Ghalichechian was advised by Professor Reza Ghodssi (ECE/ISR). He won the ISR Outstanding Systems Engineering Graduate Student Award in 2007.
Published August 13, 2021