Research Posters

Operations Research and Manufacturing
Title Faculty File
Systems & Operations Research Applications S. Raghu Raghavan View File
Modeling problems in air traffic management David Lovell View File
Improving Public Health Preparedness View File
Improving Air Transportation Performance through Collaborative Decision Making Michael O. Ball View File
Control, Operations Research and Manufacturing
Title Faculty File
Thin film process simulation and design Raymond A. Adomaitis View File
Computer Science and AI, Control, Operations Research and Manufacturing
Title Faculty File
Simulation-Based Methods for Control and Optimization Steve Marcus, Michael Fu, Michael O. Ball, W. Rance Cleaveland, Dana Nau, Gary Rubloff View File
Control, Robotics
Title Faculty File
Collective Dynamics and Control Lab Derek A. Paley View File
From Geometric Control to Collective Behavior P. S. Krishnaprasad View File
Control of Cyber-Robotic Systems Nikhil Chopra, Yen-Chen Liu, Pavan Tallapragada View File
Title Faculty File
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Intelligent Robotic Systems Raj Madhavan View File
Autonomous Vehicle Laboratory Sean Humbert View File
Robotics, Automation, and Medical Systems (RAMS) Laboratory Jaydev Desai View File
Autonomous Systems Lab, ECE Dept Gil Blankenship View File
Micro Robotics Lab Sarah Bergbreiter View File
Simulation Driven Computational Synthesis S. K. Gupta View File
Micro and Nanosystems, Robotics
Title Faculty File
CPS: Ant-Like Microrobots Pamela Abshire, Nuno Martins, Elisabeth Smela, Sarah Bergbreiter View File
Control, Networks, Robotics
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Distributed Decision Theory Group Nuno Martins View File
Computer Science and AI, Robotics
Title Faculty File
Robots with Vision that Find Objects Yiannis Aloimonos, Cornelia Fermuller View File
Control, Neuroscience, Robotics, Signal Processing
Title Faculty File
Neuromorphic VLSI & Bat Echolocation Timothy Horiuchi View File
Neuromorphic VLSI & Bat Echolocation Timothy Horiuchi View File
Neuroscience, Robotics, Signal Processing
Title Faculty File
Echolocating bats use different pursuit strategies in different contexts Timothy Horiuchi, P. S. Krishnaprasad, Chen Chiu, Kaushik Ghose, Puduru V. Reddy View File
Echolocating bats use different pursuit strategies in different contexts Timothy Horiuchi, P. S. Krishnaprasad, Chen Chiu, Kaushik Ghose, Puduru V. Reddy View File
Operations Research and Manufacturing, Systems Engineering
Title Faculty File
Educational Research in Developing 3-D Spatial Skills for Engineering Students Guangming Zhang View File
Computer Science and AI, Systems Engineering
Title Faculty File
Model-Based Analysis of Embedded Systems W. Rance Cleaveland View File
Systems Engineering
Title Faculty File
Systems Engineering Education in the Systems Engineering and Integration Lab John S. Baras, Mark A. Austin View File
Systems Engineering Research in the Systems Engineering and Integration Lab John S. Baras, Mark A. Austin View File
Communications and Security
Title Faculty File
SecondWrite: Better than first Rajeev Barua, Kapil Anand, Timothy Creech, Nathan Giles, Jim Gruen, Aparna Kotha, Padraig O’Sullivan, Matt Smithson, Pape Sylla, Khaled Wazeer, Greeshma Yellareddy View File
Curing the Chip Fever: Thermal Sensing and Actuation in Nano-scale Systems Ankur Srivastava, Yufu Zhang, Bing Shi, Domenic Forte View File
Security & Forensics: Signals, Content & Devices Min Wu View File
Random graphs for WSN security Armand Makowski, Osman Yagan View File
Communications and Security, Networks
Title Faculty File
Twenty Five Years of Wireless Networks Anthony Ephremides View File
Nfsight: Netflow-based Network Awareness Michel Cukier, R. Berthier, M. Hiltunen, D. Kormann, G. Vesonder View File
Codes for High Density Magnetic Memory Alexander Barg, Arya Mazumdar, Navin Kashyap View File
Fundamentally Secure and Sustainable Wireless Networks Sennur Ulukus View File
Low Power System Design Hardware Related Security and Trust Gang Qu View File
Information Theoretic Network Secret Key Generation Prakash Narayan, Alexander Barg, Sirin Nitinawarat, A. Reznik, C. Ye View File
Binary Bridge Selection Problem Armand Makowski View File
Control and Management of Future Internet – Integration of Heterogeneous Networks Richard J. La View File
Energy, Micro and Nanosystems
Title Faculty File
Multiband Radio Frequency Energy Harvester Neil Goldsman, Li Bo, Xi Shao, Thomas Salter View File
Integrated Micro/Nano Systems for Power Conversion, Energy Storage and Sensor Applications Reza Ghodssi, James Culver, Chris Cadou, Chunsheng Wang, Xiaobo Tan View File
Networks, Optics
Title Faculty File
Research in the Maryland Optics Group Stuart D. Milner, Kyuman Cho, Igor Smolyaninov, Quirino Balzano, Bob Gammon, Vildana Hodzic, Shawn Ho, Sugianto Trisno, Heba Yuksel, Jaime Llorca, Navik Agrawal, John Rzasa, Mohammed Eslami, Ehren Hwang, Juan-Carlos Franco, Peter Pham, Joe Harris View File
Signal Processing
Title Faculty File
Multi-faceted research in Speech Communications Carol Espy-Wilson, V Mitra, X Zhou, S Vishnubhotla, V Mahadevan, D Garcia-Romero View File
Speech Segregation from Co-Channel Mixtures Carol Espy-Wilson, Srikanth Vishnubhotla View File
An Enhancement of Modified Phase Opponency for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition Carol Espy-Wilson, Vikramjit Mitra View File
Neuroscience, Signal Processing
Title Faculty File
Neural Computations in the Auditory Brain Jonathan Simon View File
Neural Systems Laboratory Shihab Shamma, Patrick Kanold, P. S. Krishnaprasad, Timothy Horiuchi, Jonathan Simon View File
Computer Science and AI, Signal Processing
Title Faculty File
Reconstruction from Magnitudes of Redundant Representations Radu Balan View File
Computer Science and AI, Robotics
Title Faculty File
Developing Autonomy for USV by Using Virtual Environments Bob Kavetsky, Steve Lubard, Max Schwartz, Petr Svec, Atul Thakur View File